Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hi Friends

This year has been full of activity for me...
Especially with me deciding to Bell the Cat this time//////////
Well first of all lemme tell ya guys ... preparing for CAT along with work.. and I mean working in the real sense of that word..(dont consider the bench ) is pretty dam exhauting..
Well may be you can say that it is the test of your determination ... your attitude your perseverence etc..
May be i was not all that prepared for this test is what i Feel.
On a lot many occassions i felt like giving up on CAT.. and look for alternatives...
Now this is where your supportsystem (friends Family) has to pitch in.. Mine did they didnt let me go off the pitch ..
It was like trying to bat it out in the middle .. like Venkatesh Prasad batting against Glenn Mcgrath.. Tryig to survive and not throwing away your wicket...
That is what made me prepare or kind of stay in touch with the books till the D day...
Ya also my joining the TIME insti helped, it was like the feling that you get when you see all those greats all set for the CAT that you get inspired....
And ya the Mock Cat is the best part of all the preparation that you can do... That is what I feel gives you direction to go in the right direction....

Also you need to balance all this with your professional life...
you need to dedicate those sweet long awaited weekends to the feline creature..

Anyways i would say it would be worth this trouble if you manage to get through...
So all the best to all those who gave CAT.........
I did pretty ok in the CAT, now it is time to keep my fingers crossed and wait for the results...

Well Guys i hope you all wish me luck as well...