A Few Good Men (1992)
A complete thriller , and a must watch. :)
The story talks about Honor, Code and Order which form a core of any infantry unit where orders are obeyed or people die.
Tom Cruise a Navy lawyer is given the responsibility to defend the two marines who are accused of killing a fellow marine Santiago.
Santiago, as we learn, isn't quite up to task compared to his fellow Marines. He complains of health conditions that his superiors ignore, and is generally disliked by everyone in his unit. He has gone out of his way to request a transfer off the base, even going so far as bargaining for one in exchange for blowing the whistle on a fellow Marine for an "illegal fence-line shooting." (bole to- please take me out of this and i will tell u give u some insider info... ;)
The Accused say that they were carrying out the orders of their superiors which was a to give "CodeRed" to the victim.
(CodeRed (a term invented for the film) is a practise no where mentioned in navy manuals but is widely used in the infantry to give the soldiers some reprimand for not following the orders).
Guatanamo Bay is commanded by Jack Nicholsan a fiery colonel who is a fierce man and knows what he is doing. He knows his reponsibility of protecting the country and he likes to do that his own way. He denies having ordered a code red and obviously leaves the accused to face the law and does indulge in manipulations to this effect.
So now Tom Cruise, a Navy lawyer, is given the responsibility to defend the two accused. He is assisted by Demi Moore who is the counsel for Internal Affairs. Tom is a easy going chap,and is game for out of court settlements and is actually afraid of going to court ( high expectations set by his successful lawyer father weigh him down).
Ofcourse the movie doesnt end out of court, our beautiful Demi Moore convinces Tom to go to court and fight for the accused who are innocent.
Tom risks his career to fight this case against all odds and emabarks on a journey to collect the evidence to save his clients.
The Court room scenes are steamy and Jack Nicholson in his role as a tough Colonel outshines. The intensity in the court room discussions where people are fighting for thier lives is palpable.
The last scene of the movie where Tom questions jack Nicholsan in the highlight of the movie.
Tom Cruise is shown to have a high level of common sense and sharpness, which helps him win the case by proving that Jack Nicholson ordered a "Code Red" -- in retaliation for the Marine going outside the chain of command as a whistleblower -- by subtly provoking him and causing him to voluntarily confess the truth in court in a moment's anger.
I would only say -- all the lovers of thrillers should go and grab a dvd and watch this one!!!